A Beginner’s Guide to Creating and Managing Shopify Redirects

Have you ever clicked a link that is meant to be a “page not found” error? As an eCommerce store owner, you don’t even wish for users to encounter such issues. 

Maintaining your Shopify store for a seamless experience is necessary for users and robot visitors. Cleaning up outdated, old, and duplicate pages as your Shopify store scales helps you enhance SEO results and keep your users happy and connected. 

The best way to reorganize your Shopify eCommerce store without deleting pages or posts, which will affect your SEO and deliver an annoying user experience, is to get started with 301 redirects. As you keep posting new content or product pages, Shopify redirects will push traffic from the old URLs to the latest URL. 

This may seem like a challenging task, but thankfully, there is a Shopify URL redirect that will enable you to set up URL redirects with ease. In this detailed blog, we will show you how to create and manage Shopify redirects to offer a top-notch experience and improve your rankings in the SERP.

What is Redirect in Shopify?

A 301 redirect is a permanent redirect from one URL to another. It is one of the best ways to quickly inform browsers that the page requested by a post has been moved or replaced. 

Various types of redirects are identified with specific numbers such as 301, 307, and 302. When they attempt to view a website that is not available, they automatically reroute your user’s web browser to an alternate URL. 

Domain redirects are about changing URL addresses and maintaining continuity in an evolving digital world. They ensure that no matter how much your Shopify store evolves or grows, your customers can always find you, and your SEO efforts are safeguarded. 

Since 301 redirects are the most significant, we will concentrate on them in this beginner’s guide. They inform the browser that you do not plan to relocate the page back to its original place and that it has been moved permanently.

The HTTP status code identifies two major types of redirects. 

  • A permanent redirection from one URL to another for all traffic is known as a 301 redirect. 
  • A 302 redirect, on the other hand, suggests that the resource has undergone a brief modification. 
  • The HTTP 1.1 successor to this is a 307 redirect, usually interpreted as a 302 by significant crawlers.

Having stated that, let’s examine when a 301 redirect should be used.

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Are Shopify Redirects Important to SEO? 

The short answer is YES, YES. 

Using 301 redirects will be helpful when a website owner decides to reroute their current URL or change the old URL’s SERP position to a new one, where they may need to transfer the pages or modify their file names while maintaining the website’s page ranking in search engines. 

Employing this coding will inform search engines that every link on the internet will go to a new webpage. This will prevent website owners from making their backlinks and other on-page SEO efforts useless.

It is also important to note that more than 90% of the link equity is passed on to the redirected pages with each redirect. Hence, you must be accurate when implementing them, as this can be particularly dangerous if you also have redirect chains

  • When you use 301 Shopify redirects to a new URL, it will primarily benefit from the hard work you invest into improving the rankings of your old URL. 
  • For instance, if your customers type the URL manually, the redirect feature automatically connects them to a new URL. This delivers a seamless experience that prevents frustration and keeps customers connected with the store. 

The bottom line is Shopify 301 redirects reduce the chance of experiencing a negative impact, especially regarding your bottom line via your efforts. Hence, it is the best way to reap all the benefits that Shopify redirects offers to Shopify entrepreneurs and deal with all its associated shortcomings. 

Exciting Ways to Create a Redirect in Shopify

Shopify Admin enables store owners to reroute the URLs of their websites. This is a huge assistance if you’re not a professional developer. Although manually creating redirects is still required, this process is far more straightforward than other approaches.

This is a polite reminder that all Shopify URL redirection is of the 301, or search engine optimization, variety.

Let’s start with the basics. Creating and managing Shopify redirects is a simple process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started: 

Step 1: Login into Your Shopify Admin Account 

Enter the necessary credentials, log in to the Shopify account, and explore the dashboard.

Note: If you are worried about the result or don’t know much about the redirection, it would be advisable to back up all your data before the redirection process occurs. 

Step 2: Visit the URL Redirects 

Within the dashboard, click the “Navigation” button; once you click that, a new page will open in a new tab called “URL Redirects.” 

Step 3: Create a Redirect 

This is the primary step to perform; follow the below instructions: 

  1. On the new page, click on the Create URL redirect button. 
  2. Now, paste the URL from which you want to move your Shopify store visitors away. 
  3. Now paste the URL you want visitors to visit. If you want them to be redirected to your home page, add the (/) to the line. 
  4. Ensure you can’t create redirects with prefixes such as /apps, /applications, /cart, /orders, /shop, /services, and more. 
  5. Now, click on the SAVE button. 
  6. Repeat the process if you are unsure about what you have done. 

Voila! You are done! Your first Shopify redirection is now live. Remember that Shopify has certain limitations on URLs starting with the above prefixes. You won’t be able to use these URLs during the redirection process. 

Managing and Monitoring Your Shopify Redirects 

After setting up a few redirects, you should monitor them to ensure they operate as intended. 

  • Return to your Shopify admin panel, select Online Store > Navigation, and click ‘View URL Redirects’ to view your redirects. 
  • This is where you can control your redirects and make necessary edits or deletions. 
  • Simply choose the redirect you want to change, then click “Edit” or “Delete” from the drop-down option under “More Actions.”

When Do You Need to Perform Shopify Redirects? 

Shopify redirects, especially for eCommerce, can be pivotal for the success of your online store. But what are the indications or signs? Have a look: 

  1. Deleting a page from your site can be anything, such as an inner or product page. If you have pulled up a product line, it is often a good idea to redirect it to the most visited product category. 
  2. When a particular page becomes outdated, for instance, if a store owner creates a landing page for a particular season or festival and now it is not adding any value to the store, use a 302 redirection. 
  3. When you change a page’s URL in Shopify, a 301 redirect is usually the default action.

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Shopify is one of the best eCommerce platforms with many customization options, from themes to plugins, redirections, and whatnot. As discussed in the above sections, mastering the art of redirection is a duty and paving the way to boost the store’s performance and rankings. 

When used strategically, Shopify redirects can be your secret sauce in the online marketplace, setting you one step ahead in the eCommerce world. Shopify redirection is not only about fixing broken links but also about improving your SEO rankings. As you continue exploring Shopify redirect strategies, you set up your store for unforeseen growth and success. 

Ultimately, each step matters a lot in the evolving eCommerce sector. Shopify redirects are one such detail that, when done correctly, can bring many benefits. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is 301 redirection? 

A 301 redirect is a permanent redirection status code used to move a web page or URL to another location permanently.

Can I create a temporary redirect in Shopify? 

No, you can’t currently create and manage redirects on Shopify. Hence, you need to think twice before implementing redirects because they will be permanent, not ones you want to change. 

How do I know if I must create a URL redirect in Shopify? 

You need a redirection if you have deleted a page or changed a URL and want the old URL to rank on search engines. 

Does Shopify automatically create redirects?

Yes, Shopify automatically generates redirects when you update a product, category page, or blog post URL. 

How long does it take for a URL redirect to become active on the store?

Shopify URL redirection usually takes effect right away. Nevertheless, certain modifications could take a few minutes to take effect, and occasionally, there might be a little delay because of server response delays.

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