What is Shopify Inbox? A Detailed Guide to Convert Visitors into Customers

As we move closer to a linked global community, growing numbers of local store owners are considering going online with a strong ecosystem. Even before the pandemic, the eCommerce sector was experiencing growth, but post-pandemic effects are noticeable as more and more people turn “online,” forcing store owners to expand their business. 

On the other hand, there are plenty of eCommerce platforms, but Shopify is a preferred choice for new and experienced business owners, grabbing more than 29% of the market share. Why? Shopify simplifies online store owners’ operations by offering all the necessary features and functionalities, strong security, and scalable parameters. 

Be it responsive themes, plugins, or third-party integrations to AI-powered capabilities, Shopify Inbox has become popular in the eCommerce fraternity. Shopify Inbox allows store owners to engage with customers in real time while bridging the communication gap between store owners and customers.  

But what is it? How to install it? What benefits does Shopify Inbox bring to the table? Hold on; we are about to give answers to your questions in this blog. So, let’s dive in. 

What is Shopify Inbox?

One of the most important communication tools in the Shopify ecosystem is Shopify Inbox. It attempts to modernize merchants’ or business owners’ interactions with their customers. 

Shopify Inbox is a sophisticated live chat tool for communication. It enhances overall customer experiences and provides real-time assistance to customers. Ultimately, it helps businesses establish trust and increase sales by promptly addressing consumers’ questions, fixing problems, and facilitating purchasing.

Shopify Inbox may be incorporated within the admin panel by streamlining customer contact and conversation. It provides a customized experience to turn random customers into devoted, long-term buyers. 

Now that you know what Shopify Inbox is, it’s time to learn more about its features, costs, and other relevant details. 

Features of Shopify Inbox 

Shopify Inbox is a feature-rich communication platform that elevates your customer shopping experience. Let’s take a tour of certain features that Shopify Inbox boasts in its bag while making your customer engagement game strong. 

Unified Communication Hub 

Using Shopify Inbox, all your customer communications channels- including email, social media messages from Twitter and Facebook, live chats, etc.- can be unified and managed in one place without any hassle. 

Automated Responses 

Harnessing the power of AI capabilities, sellers don’t need to employ a customer service team; they can assist customers 24/7 and resolve their most common doubts. This will speed up the response process, increase productivity, and free the team from mundane tasks. 

Customizable Templates 

Shopify Inbox offers an extensive range of readymade templates, allowing businesses to customize them according to their requirements. This is the better option, as consumers get a clear message and quick reply based on their previous queries and needs. 

Integration with Shopify Orders 

Shopify Inbox, linked to your store, allows users to view order details, shipping-related information, and other related queries within the chat area. Moreover, customers can track and obtain order status information on their smartphones, making everything more accessible for your customer support professionals. 

Customer Profiles 

Shopify Inbox offers several modern features, including customer information, purchase history, and other interactions. With this data, retailers may set themselves apart from the competition and provide customers with more relevant and, consequently, persuasive advice.  

Team Collaboration Tools 

Easily work together as a team by assigning tasks, taking notes, and monitoring progress in real-time. This feature brings together the entire process and guides team members in improving customer service. 

Analytics and Reporting 

Additionally, Shopify Inbox offers functionality and analytical tools for tracking customer satisfaction, reply times, and trends in customer messages. As a result, it enables retailers to identify potential risks to necessary improvements and critically assess their customer service strategies. 

How to Setup Shopify Inbox for Your eCommerce Store? 

Before we dig into the setup process, remember that Shopify Inbox is not a feature or plugin that comes pre-installed in Shopify. Hence, you must set up an app from the Shopify App Store to make the most of it. 

Setting up Shopify Inbox for your online store is simple. Here are the step-by-step instructions to help you get started. 

Step 1: Shopify Inbox Settings

In this step, we will first examine how to install Shopify Inbox into your store. 

Shopify Inbox Settings

  1. Visit the Shopify App Store and search “Shopify Inbox” in the box. 
  2. Once you find it, click on the “install”. 
  3. Choose the store where you want to install this messaging app. (This is only applicable if you own multiple stores.)
  4. After choosing the store, complete the installation process for your online store. 

Step 2: Setup Shopify Inbox Configuration

Setup Shopify Inbox Configuration

Once you have completed the installation process, it is time to customize the Shopify Inbox app settings and make it work as simply as possible. 

  • Visit your Shopify Store’s Admin panel and click the “Inbox” button. 
  • You will see a dashboard of the chat app, then click on the “chat settings.” 
  • Now, you will see some fields that help you customize the chat setting per your requirements. Fields such as: 

Visit your Shopify Store’s Admin panel

  1. Application status: Enable or turn off the app as per your wish
  2. Branding options: From the appearance of the chat inbox to color to the icon to a text 
  3. Type, you can customize these as per your requirements. 
  4. Welcome message: This allows you to send automated welcome messages to your customers when they open a chatbox to start a conversation with you. 
  5. Instant Answers: You can list and set automatic answers to customers’ queries here. 
  6. Pre-chat form: Whenever a customer leaves your store, you can set a message that can be sent to the customer’s email address. 

Voila! You are done and successfully added the Shopify Inbox app to your eCommerce store.  It seems extremely easy; all you need to do is follow the instructions above and keep your customers engaged irrespective of time zone. 

Key Benefits of Shopify Inbox for Your eCommerce Store 

One of the numerous things current consumers want quickly is answers to their questions. Shopify Inbox is a chatbox that lets store owners automatically answer customers’ queries and promptly give them support and guidance when needed.

This chatbox presents answers to frequently asked questions in particular settings using state-of-the-art technologies, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning.

For example, suppose a visitor to a product page visits the page but does not click the “add to cart” button within a given period of time. In that case, a chatbox will automatically show so visitors can ask questions before purchasing.

What are the advantages? 

  1. Shopify Inbox is a multitasking virtual assistant that may help with email marketing, social media campaigns, and customer service. 
  2. Additionally, the chatbox facilitates more accessible internal communication and enhances team discussions. 
  3. Shopify Inbox easily manages customer queries, regardless of which device your store operates. 
  4. You can receive messages by email and other channels, including Facebook Messenger and other social media platforms. 
  5. Shopify Inbox also produces informative analytics regarding users’ conversations with their stores. 
  6. It provides you with a central spot to handle your store-related communications. 
  7. Responding to customers who message you and express interest in your services more quickly helps you increase sales. 
  8. If customers enter their business with an Apple device, store owners can also establish a connection with Apple Business Chat through the Apple Message app. 

In summary, Shopify Inbox offers many benefits that amplify your online store’s growth and foster sales through personalized communication. 

Summing It Up 

Shopify Inbox is a valuable tool for managing customer interactions effectively. By centralizing all your customers’ conversations in a unified place, Shopify Inbox simplifies interacting with customers, offers support, and eventually drives sales. 

By leveraging the capabilities of Shopify Inbox, you can focus on core business tasks and elevate the customer support game to build a loyal customer base.

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